ATN Firmware Update Center

Dear ATN Customer we have updated the process to update the Firmware for the following devices. If you have a MARS 4, X-Sight 4K, Binox 4K, Binox 4T or OTS 4T, please select the appropriate Firmware from the below drop down menu for your device. Select your device to download the Bin file and place it in the root directory of your SD card. Insert the SD card in your device and follow the standard Firmware update process.

Download firmware for digital rifle scopes and binoculars (firmware being the built-in software that runs your devices). Before proceeding please read instructions below. No downloads are available for products that are not listed.


Please note that a compass calibration needs to be performed after installing the Firmware that activates the ATN Radar on your device.

Before powering up your unit for use:

  1. Verify the current FW version that is on your device.
  2. Download current Firmware update according to the "Update Instructions." If your Firmware is up to date, skip these download instructions and proceed to step 3.
  3. Please note that a compass calibration needs to be performed after installing the Firmware that activates the ATN Radar on your device. Please perform the calibration as outlined in your manual and away from any SMF devices, perferably outside.


  1. If your X-Sight 5 has firmware where the last three digits are less than 476 please call us at +359 32570140 option 2 or contact or follow this link: ATN Europe Service and Repair Centre, Troubleshooting, FAQ and Warranty service information | ATN Europe so that we can further assist you.
  2. If your X-Sight 5 has a firmware where the last three digits are 476 or higher, proceed to update your device using the below steps:
    • a. Put the microSD card in the scope while it is off and the format the card in the system settings menu.
    • b. After that, turn your scope off, take the microSD card out, and put it into your computer.
    • c. Download the firmware file xsight_5_5_1_07_839.bin to your computer from the ATN website.
    • d. Upload it in the root directory of the microSD card (i.e. out of any folders).
    • e. Remove the SD card from the PC and insert it in the scope (the scope must be turned off), then turn on the device.
    • f. Wait until the device boots up and confirm the dialog message to start updating.
    • g. Wait for the process to finish and your device will restart automatically.
    • h. Your device is updated.
restore firmware app
ATN factory restore firmware
(only for obsidian 4 device series)

If you are experiencing problems loading your ATN smart products Firmware using the micro SD card. We have another option for you. You can use your products USB-C port to load the needed and latest ATN Firmware update to your ATN smart product. Also, this program may assist you in the following instances ie: black screen, freezing, none responsiveness of buttons, firmware not loading correctly, etc.

ATN factory restore firmware setup
ATN Thor 4 ATN Thor LT ATN X-Sight 4k ATN X-Sight ltv